Poetry: The Frigidaire Queen

Title: The Frigidaire Queen
Date(s) of creation: Feb. 1995
Creator / author / publisher: Candida Albicans Royale, FaT GiRL
Physical description: A black and white zine page with text and a drawing
Reference #: FG2-050-Frigidaire
Links: [ PDF ]

by Candida Albicans Royale

from FaT GiRL #2, February, 1995

[Image description: Drawing of a giant, gaping mouth with photos of several tiny refrigerators falling in front of it. The text of the poem overlays the drawing.

The Frigidaire Queen

by Candida Albicans Royale

Two shoes, fat thighs and a
freezer door for a face
This is my self
portrait in profile
Magnets bearing phone numbers of real
estate agents, holding up expired pizza
coupons in turn
faded and dog-eared and me just 9
Odd skeleton, those formative years
My features in yellow plastic on vinyl

There is no light in the freezer
I steal by touch and the cold burns
my fingertips skin tongue numb
Made dumb by the promise of ice cream

When I speak, I steel
my body against what it knows to be true:
3000 lovers       big tits       mobility and
an income
my very own fucking Frigidaire
won’t keep me from hunger and
the urge to take
what will never be mine

Yes, I am ashamed of it
but even today, I would rather
you see my naked hunger     stuck
like florid plastic on vinyl
than watch me eat]