Tag: fat queer sex

FaT GiRL #6, August, 1996

Hadas & Marco

Photos from the release party for FaT GiRL #5, taken by Jane Philomen Cleland.

Prima Donna

Smut by Joe Samson

Peach Meat

Fruity smut by Zhaddi

Story: Untitled

Fat queer smut by Maxbear Finkelstein

Big Fun

Story by Amiee Ross

FaT GiRL #1, October, 1994

Photos: Oso & Barbarism

Photos by Elizabeth Stark

FaT GiRL #1, October, 1994

Photos: Heather & Amiee

Photos: Heather & Amiee. By Bethaniel.

FaT GiRL #1, October, 1994

Go for a ride with FaT GiRL

Photo by Bethaniel.