Poetry: Touch Mirror

Title (as given to the record by the creator):  Touch Mirror
Date(s) of creation:  Issue 4: October 1995
Creator / author / publisher: Laurie Avocado, FaT GiRL
Physical description:
A poem on a zine page with another poem and a strip of  photos
Reference #: FG4-049-TouchMirror
Links:  [ PDF ]

Touch Mirror

By Laurie Avocado

I have to admit there are times when I am in love with my own body.
This is the body I was meant to be.
These pictures, spread before me, could be me.
I touch the wet place,
Wishing I could feel this soft flesh,
This generosity,
This home,
To be enveloped by you
You who are so much like me
A mirror of touch
(not that brittle image-giving surface of cold glass)
A mirror of my flesh, my touch,
A world of me.