Title: Lies I Choose Not to Believe
Date(s) of creation: February, 1995
Creator / author / publisher: Oso, Fish, FaT GiRL
Physical description: Zine pages with 2 paragraphs of text and a large illustration.
Reference #: FG2-007-Lies
Links: [ PDF ]
Lies I Choose Not to Believe
From FaT GiRL #2, February, 1995
By Oso
My grandfather always said everybody loves a fat man but nobody loves a fat woman. Even as a young child I remember his taunts: fatty–little pig–fatso. These words came at me from one of the biggest men I had ever seen. His great big belly/strong arms/suave smile. He was a smooth-talking big fat ladies’ man and I wanted to be just like him. I loved his round cheeks that smelled of after shave. I loved the way his white t-shirts hugged his big belly, his pants low, so even more white t-shirt could be seen and felt. He looked good and he knew it. He strolled down the street with a confidence that said everybody knew it. I wanted all of that to also be mine. But despite my white t-shirts hugging my belly with pants worn low and a walk of sheer confidence, he still did not like this lady-killer look on his 10-year-old granddaughter. What was it? I thought. Why is he so disapproving? Are my pants not low enough, my stomach not big enough? No, it is that my balls are not big enough. It is that I am not a big boy proud of my size and strength.
Every once in a while I think of my grandfather and all his unsettling words of what he thought was wisdom, and I know now as I knew then that he was wrong. Plenty of people have loved and lusted this Fat Girl.
FaT GiRL 2 Pages
- FaT GiRL #2 Cover
- Comics: Chainsaw
- Fat GiRL #2 is…
- Letters: From the FaT GiRL Mailbox
- Issue Survey – How do you feel the dyke community treats you as a fat dyke?
- Fat Watch
- Stories: Lies I Choose Not to Believe
- FaT GiRL Roundtable #2: Age and Fat
- Poem by Osa Shade
- Actions: Fool the Diet Industry!
- Advice: Ask the Gear Queen
- Recipes from the Kitchen Slut
- 4 Big Girls: Around the Table Review
- Stories: Crossed Paths
- Bend Over!!!
- Poem: i wanna see more ladies flauntin’ it / Photos from MuffDive
- Review: Women En Large: Images of Fat Nudes
- Dinner with April
- The Adventures of Super Slut, #1
- Rant: Is Radical Lesbian Feminism the Only Radical Approach?
- Helpful Hint #9: Enfatten your friends
- More on Apricot Hankies
- Issue Survey: Have you had negative experiences in the dyke community about your body size?
- Selena
- The Fat Truth
- Poetry: The Frigidaire Queen
- Review: The Most Massive Woman Wins
- Review: Fat Girl Dances With Rocks
- Butch Baiting
- Comic: Fat Girl Fantasy #57
- Warning
- Fat Action: A Cunt for a Cunt
- Eat This, Cosmo!
- Issue Survey – Have you had positive experiences in the dyke community about your body size?
- Betty
- Advice: Hey Fat Chick!
- The Adventures of Super Slut, #2
- Resources
- Armchair Shopping
- Fu