Title: Recipes: Fat Girl Revenge Cocktail
Date(s) of creation: October, 1994
Creator / author / publisher: FaT GiRL
Physical description: Part of a zine page, a box in black and white with a recipe
Reference #: FG1-025-Recipe
Links: [ PDF ]
From FaT GiRL #1, October, 1994

Image Description:
A box with a hand-drawn stick of dynamite and some text that says:
Recipes: Fat Girl Revenge Cocktail
- one quart brightly-colored kefir (yogurt drink)
- one teaspoon syrup of Ipecac (vomiting agent)
Drink the kefir. Upon approaching desired target (diet centers are good places), swallow the syrup of Ipecac. Position your mouth so that it’s facing your target. When your stomach begins to heave, aim quickly, and fire. Most effective if done in broad daylight.
FaT GiRL 1 Pages
- FaT GiRL #1 Cover
- FaT GiRL is
- What’s Inside…
- Survey: Chew On This!
- Photos: Oso & Barbarism
- Stories: Fat Fucking Bitch
- Judy Freespirit – A. Hernandez Talks to One of the Foremothers of Fat Activism
- Poetry: Real Mujeres Have Panzas
- Comics: i was a fat kid
- Culture: Hanky Codes
- Stories: Demon
- Poetry: Poison
- Advice: Hey Fat Chick!
- Stories: Give Me a Microphone
- Comics: Shape Up, Little Sisters!
- Columns we’d like to see
- Recipes: Fat Girl Revenge Cocktail
- Stories: Thank You Note to a Top
- Photos: Heather & Amiee
- Classifieds
- Helpful Hint: Hysterical Pregnancy and lnsta-Birthing:
- FaT GiRL Roundtable
- Fat Girl Lives! And a polka
- No Excuses
- Poem by Raquel
- Go Ahead, Try it On
- Rave
- Advice: Ask the Gear Queen
- Poem by Raquel
- Recycling Hints!
- Resources
- One Fat Day…
- FaT GiRL Personals
- Contributors
- FaT GiRL issues & reader surveys
- Go for a ride with FaT GiRL
- FaT GiRL #1 Back Cover