Title (as given to the record by the creator): Back Cover
Date(s) of creation: October, 1994
Creator / author / publisher: FaT GiRL, Erin O’Neill
Physical description: Black and white scan of one page from a zine with printed text and photo
Reference #: FG1-backcover
Links: [ PDF ]

[image description: A black and white photo covering the full page shows a fat light-skinned person shot from behind in tighty whities and a white a-shirt. The shot is close up and shows only behind the knees to the lower back.They reach their right hand into their underwear and grip their ass cheek. Typed across their ass in blue letters it says “Y’all come back now, y’hear!” In the lower right corner in small white text it says “Erin O’Neill.”]
FaT GiRL 1 Pages
- FaT GiRL #1 Cover
- FaT GiRL is
- What’s Inside…
- Survey: Chew On This!
- Photos: Oso & Barbarism
- Stories: Fat Fucking Bitch
- Judy Freespirit – A. Hernandez Talks to One of the Foremothers of Fat Activism
- Poetry: Real Mujeres Have Panzas
- Comics: i was a fat kid
- Culture: Hanky Codes
- Stories: Demon
- Poetry: Poison
- Advice: Hey Fat Chick!
- Stories: Give Me a Microphone
- Comics: Shape Up, Little Sisters!
- Columns we’d like to see
- Recipes: Fat Girl Revenge Cocktail
- Stories: Thank You Note to a Top
- Photos: Heather & Amiee
- Classifieds
- Helpful Hint: Hysterical Pregnancy and lnsta-Birthing:
- FaT GiRL Roundtable
- Fat Girl Lives! And a polka
- No Excuses
- Poem by Raquel
- Go Ahead, Try it On
- Rave
- Advice: Ask the Gear Queen
- Poem by Raquel
- Recycling Hints!
- Resources
- One Fat Day…
- FaT GiRL Personals
- Contributors
- FaT GiRL issues & reader surveys
- Go for a ride with FaT GiRL
- FaT GiRL #1 Back Cover