Title (as given to the record by the creator): Avengers Eat Out
Date(s) of creation: April 1996
Creator / author / publisher: FaT GiRL
Physical description: One column of a two-column zine page with text in black and white
Reference #: FG5-007-Avengers
Links: [ PDF ]
Dear FaT GiRL:
On December 2nd, 1995, the Boston chapter of the Lesbian Avengers turned FaT GiRL suggestion into reality. Cambridge’s Porter Square branch of Jenny Craig was the unintended host to the First Annual Lesbian Avenger Eat Out. Dykes of all sizes fed themselves and each other outside Jenny Craig while handing out our flier “Women Should not Live on Bread Alone” (which outlined how the diet industry perpetuated racism and sexism and was therefore operated by the devil’s minions).
The idea came from FaT GiRL. ‘Tis the season for paintballs and as we planned who to target with our “urban redecoration”, thought turned toward a suggestion in FaT GiRL to deface Jenny Craig offices in a similar fashion. We realized that we had not done any activism around sizism and that attention to the epidemic of fat phobia was long overdue. The Eat Out was the end result of our brainstorming.
As actions go, it was fairly low-key. The day began with an unrelated appearance by the local Jesus Screamer driving around in his car decorated with anti-gay, anti-Semitic rantings and proselytizing to local shoppers. After a brief biblical debate and his subsequent departure, we did our own proselytizing about the diet industry. While many ignored our flyers, many others stopped to talk to us about the action and the statistics we presented (provided by and credited to FaT GiRL’s internet home page…very cool grrls!). One woman took the time to read our stats aloud to her daughter. While it was an action better suited for the warmer months and while the location suffered from proximity to but not direct access to hoards of holiday shoppers, we managed to distribute 200 flyers, have a fantastic lunch (bagels, bread, chocolate, grapes, fruit juice, pasta salad) and make a few people in the Greater Boston area think for a moment.
Unlike many of our actions, we targeted this event towards populations beyond mainstream society. We recognize that the queer community has political and emotional distance to travel in coming to terms with sizism. Lesbians learn early on that their bodies and the beautiful things they do make them freaks in the eyes of the outside world. Confronting that prejudice without turning that venom on ourselves of each other in the queer community is a tough challenge, but one that must be taken for true “diversity”, “community” and “family”. Gay men, known for their obsession with appearance and the physical, could benefit greatly from size acceptance, which is not to suggest that girl queers do not continue to listen to the patriarchal voice that dictates beauty and the qualifications for physical dignity.
Keep at it, FaT GiRL. Thanks for the idea and motivation.
If there are any Boston-area dykes interested in participating in the Lesbian Avengers, call 617-983-FIRE for meeting time and location. Leave a message if you have questions.
FaT GiRL #5 Pages
- FaT GiRL #5 Front Cover
- Editorial
- FaT GiRL #5 Contents
- Fat Girl Letters
- Oso’s First Official FaT GiRL Word Find
- Botero and Us
- Actions: Avengers Eat Out
- Max’s Rant
- Sexuality Roundtable
- Survey: How does being fat affect your sexuality?
- The Trick
- Poetry: Posturing
- Poetry: Clean Satisfaction
- Blind Alleys
- Drawings by Megaera
- Stories: Worshipping
- Story
- Stories: Lesson #1
- Poetry: On Your Knees
- Survey: How have your lovers responded to your body size?
- No One’s Getting Fat Except Mama Cass
- Story: Untitled
- Review: The Invisible Woman
- The Kitchen Slut presents: Sweets for the Salty
- Health Report: Sleep Apnea
- Ads
- Survey: What do you do to promote positive feelings about your body?
- Poetry: Romancing the Bones
- Poetry: Outcast Dykes
- Resources
- Contributors
- Personals
- Go for a ride with FaT GiRL
- FaT GiRL #5 Back Cover