
Title (as given to the record by the creator): Resources
Date(s) of creation: May 1997
Creator / author / publisher: FaT GiRL
Physical description:
four zine pages with 3 columns of text, and a gray diamond checkerboard background
Reference #: FG7-056-and-062-064-Resources
Links:  [ PDF ]

Event Highlights

SISTER SUBVERTER, Second Annual DIY Radical Women’s Gathering, will be happening at the end of August at Amazon Acres in northwest Arkansas.You could call this an anarchist event or you could say it’s political only in the most personal sense and is open to interpretation. All women who envision a world where personal responsibility (mutual aid, counter-institutions, direct action, gender and race equality, you get it) takes the place of large scale oppressive governments are encouraged to attend, as well as women who are just curious. We’ll spend time talking about our projects, our plans, our visions, our lives, and how those all relate. There will be skill sharing, art, music, workshops, fire, games, dancing, relaxation, vegan meals and camping. 

Self-Identified FEMALE People ONLY. Transgendered/transsexual women and mothers with young boy children are welcome. S/M and queer positive, but not queer exclusive. We are working to make this disability accessible – let us know your needs. For more info, to give input, and tell us how you’d like to help make this a kick-ass event, con­tact: Sister Subverter [Address] So. Minneapolis, MN 55409 

The foxfire convention A time and place for us to continue to build a community of resistance and empowerment among women. July 3 to 6 in Olympia, Washington. For more info / registration form, send address and stamp to [address], Olympia WA

Zine reviews

By Max Airborne

Kink: Kinky Queer Grrrl Sex Zine. Issue 2. Kink is a beautiful little folded up one-pager from Fat Girl cover girl Charlotte Cooper. I can’t say it better than she does: “Kink cele­brates sexuality that is riotous, seedy, filthy, bent, messy, complicated, punk, sluttish, saggy, radical, sleazy, ridiculous, wild, perverted, deviant, trashy, vulgar, abnormal, uncensored, unnatural, wicked, and free. Kink is here because there are so few places here kinky girls like me can call the shots. Because talking about how we really have sex is fun and revolutionary, and that’s a good combination. It’s free because most sex mags are overpriced and over-glossed. Enjoy.” Send a donation for overseas postage to Kink, [address] Stratford, London UK. 

Vagabond. Issue 1. The inside cover says “We’re worried about lesbian culture and that includes the bis and transgenders who very once in awhile feel a bit lesbianic). Where is it going, do we want to participate or just sit and wait and see what happens? Vagabond wants to be a collabora­tive process. Don’t equate this with any sort of politically correct stance, rather we want to examine the various perspectives and see what’s going on.” This one has promise, girls. Besides, it has illustrations by Olivia Edith Pfahl, one of my favorite artists. $6 or stamps or SASEs (regular letter envelope) to: Ilsa Jule, PO Box 3463, New York, NY 10185. 

Cooking Rock. Issue 2. No, it’s not about cocaine, it’s about one of my favorite subjects, FOOD! This zine is totally clever and inspired, and has a design and per­sonality that is sure to bring you joy. One of the best I’ve seen in a long time. $3 50 to Cooking Rock, [address], Portland, OR 97210. 

Girl Cult Girlkulturzine. Issues 2 – 4. Thank god for Canada, home of some of the best zines around! It’s not an exclusively dyke zine, but there is tons of dyke content. Full of comics, collage, and fascinating clips and blips from all over the place. Good bathroom reading. A few bucks to Girl Cult, [address] London, ON, CANADA.

Widdershins: A volatile journal of magick. Issue 4. Ever wanted to know how to make poison? Check it out. $5.50/sample or $23t ear to Widdershins, c/o Hom of Heme Research, [address], Santa Cruz, CA 95060. 

The Ample Shopper  $12/year to Amplestuff, [address], Bearsville, NY 12409. 

Bamboo Girl  $2 /issue to Sabrina Sandata, [address], NY

Dendron, Psychiatric Survivors and Allies Madness Network News  $ 5/4 issues (sliding scale) to Dendron, [address], Eugene, OR 97440. 

Fat!So? $3.50 for one, or $12 for 4 issues to Fat!So?, [address], San Francisco, CA 94142. 

Food For Thought and Size Esteem $20/year to Largesse, [address], New Haven, CT 06534. 

Girl Frenzy $5/issue to GirlFrenzy, [address], Hove BN3 3DQ, UK. 

Her Posse $2/issue to Her Posse, [address], Boston, MA 02115. 

i’m so fucking beautiful $2 to Nomy Lamm, [address], Olympia, WA, 98501. 

Lezzie Smut $5/issue, $24 for 4 to Hey Grrrlz! Productions, [address] Vancouver, BC V6E 4L2 CANADA.

Living Large $5/sample issue to Kathleen Madigan,  [address], Elgin, IL 60121 

New Attitude $I/sample to Judy Freespirit,  [address], Oakland, CA 94610. 

Outpunk $2/issue to Outpunk,  [address], San Francisco, CA 94117. 

Radiance $20 year, $5/sample to  [address], Oakland, CA 94604. 

Organizations, Events, and Resources 

Compiled by Max Airborne with a little help from Sondra Solo 


The Fat Women’s Group is based in London. Write to them at Wesley House Wila Court, London WC28 5AU, UK. 

West Coast US 

Ample Opportunity, of Portland, OR, has a fat women’s swim on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the MLC pool, 2033 NW Glisan, from 7:45 -8:45 pm. The pool is always staffed by a female lifeguard. Call the AO phone at (503) 245-1524. If you’re feeling self-conscious, AO will provide you with a swim pal who’ll help you get to the pool for the first time. 

The Body Image Task Force is a task-oriented group in Santa Cruz that fights size discrimination and looksism and promotes positive body image for all sizes through events, workshops, actions, and public speaking to raise awareness of body-image issues. They need volunteers and student interns. Contact them at: PO Box 934, Santa Cruz, CA 95061,

FAT LIP Readers Theatre is a collective of fat women in the San Francisco Bay Area who present exciting, dynamic theatrical performances about what it’s really like to be a fat woman in today’s society. Our mission is to end fat oppression and promote size acceptance through education and theatrical performance. We also offer educational workshops and in-service trainings for organi­zations and community groups. We are an open group run by a central administrative com­mittee. Members register their interest in participating in the group in whatever way suits them (e.g. writing, performing, producing, administration, etc.). We welcome all new­comers. Because we are constantly striving to have the diversity of our culture reflected in the composition of the group, women of color are especially encouraged to join. All levels of experience welcome. If you are interested in more information about performances or membership, call 415-583-1649 and leave your name and phone number. Or e-mail us at: We will send you (or email) our member profile to fill out, and add you to our membership list. 

Girth & Mirth can tell you what’s happening in the fat men’s movement. Write to: [address] San Francisco, CA 94102, live info: (415) 824-0260 events line: (415) 552-1143

Lesbians of Size (LesbOS) has formed in Portland, Oregon for the empowerment of fat lesbians. LesbOS meets every third Thursday at It’s My Pleasure. Cost is $1 per lesbian for the space. These are the business/planning/rap group meetings. LesbOS shares leadership, with the facilitation of the group changing to a new volunteer each month who gets to choose the topic of the meeting. They also do social and political outings. Call Gail at (503) xxxxxxx for info. 

Making Waves is a supportive recreational swim for women over 200 lbs, every Sunday from 11 am -1 pm in Albany, CA. The first Sunday of each month is Friend Swim for women of all sizes. Swim fee is $3 -$5 sliding scale. For information, call Linda at: (510)524-6470, or email

Sistah2Sistah (S2S) is a community-based organization of lesbian, bisexual, and trans­gender women of African descent in Seattle. The organization’s goals are to offer each woman spiritual, emotional and educational resources while providing the means to enable each woman to help herself, and to become a positive, visible force in the African American community at large. S2S strives to reverse the inaccurate and negative portrayal of lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women of African descent. Meetings are generally every third Sunday, 3-5pm, at POCAAN’s office: People of Color Against Aids Network, 1200 S. Jackson, Suite 25, Seattle,WA, 98144 Call (206) 322-7061 for info.

Sisters of Size is a Seattle group for fat dykes. Begun in 1987, the group meets at least twice a month – once to go swimming and once for a focus night of discussion, watching relevant videos, networking, potluck, etc. They also eat in restaurants together, go bowling, kite flying, camping, and have picnics, bonfires on the beach, and parties. They try to have a float in the Gay Pride Parade and partici­pate in No Diet Day activities. Many friendships have been made through the group. For info, contact Martha at (206)xxxxxxx.

Water Women is a Seattle-­based low-intensity water exercise class for large and/or differently abled women and their supportive significant others. Mondays 6:30-7:30 and Wednesdays 5:30-6:30, $3 per session, call Lee Brown at (206)xxxxxxx. 

WOW! (Women of Weight, Women of Width) is a Bay Area fat-positive women’s support group, based on the idea that women are healthy and beautiful at any size. The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month and sometimes does special activities on other days. On the fourth Tuesday we meet at Two Sisters Bookstore, 605 Cambridge St., Menlo Park. Time is 7:30-9:00 PM. On the second Tuesday, we meet at another location as announced on our calendar. For Two Sisters meetings, a $4 donation is requested to help pay the room rental, but no one is turned away for lack of money. The calendar is available on the Web at For more information or a paper copy of the calendar, call (415) 965-8416, or email or 

Midwest US

SAFFO, Sisters Are Fighting Fat Oppression, is looking for fat-positive, les/bi/trans women-positive women based in the Minneapolis/St.Paul area dedicated to arming fat women with pride and dismantling diet CULTure, fatphobia/hatred, and thin priv­ilege. For more info, contact Wendy (c/o UYW) at [address], Minneapolis, MN 55455. (612)xxxxxxx; (612) xxxxxxx (fax), 

The Venus Group is a social group in Southeastern Michigan for big women who want to reclaim the fat female form as love goddess. They meet monthly. For info contact Heather at (313) xxxxxxx.

East Coast US 

Big Beautiful Lesbians is a support group for fat lesbians in Washington, DC. For more info contact Michaelle at (202) xxxxxxx.

Fat is a Lesbian Issue is a New York-based, fat-positive, anti-diet discussion group that helps queer women learn to accept their bodies at any size. They meet monthly to talk about food, clothing, healthcare, sex, exercise, self-esteem and other issues that impact fat lesbians and bi women. They meet on the 2nd Sunday of every month at the Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, 208 W. 13th St., in Manhattan. For more info call Gail and Shira at: 609-xxxxxxx or email amy 

FLAB, the Fat Lesbian Action Brigade, is a New York-based activist group that fights for the visibility of fat lesbians within the queer community, the fat­acceptance movement and the world at large; works to discredit and destroy the multi-billion dollar weight-loss industry that threatens our survival; and celebrates the beauty and sexiness of fat women. See Fat is a Lesbian Issue above for meeting times and contact info. 

Non-regional: organizations that defy geography

The Council on Size & Weight Discrimination works to influence public policy and opinion in order to end oppres­sion based on discriminatory standards of body weight, size, or shape. Reach them at PO Box 305, Mount Marion, NY 12456. 

The Fat Feminist Caucus of NAAFA (National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance) offers a quarterly publication called “New Attitude”, offers women’s gatherings on the east and west coasts and planning to do more in the midwest and south. To get more information or a free complimentary copy of New Attitude write :NAAFA Fat Feminist Caucus, P.O. Box 29614, Oakland, CA 94604- 9614. Coordinator: Judy Freespirit. 

Largesse, the Network for Size Esteem maintains a library of archival material on fat liberation dating back to the beginnings of the fat feminist movement in the early 1970’s, as well as a computer data­base cataloguing resources in dozens of categories. They invite contributions, and offer free referrals, printouts from their database, and research assistance. Largesse, [address] New Haven, CT 06534, (203) xxxxxxx phone/fax (call weekdays between noon and 8pm EST), email 75773., or check out their web site at

LFAN is an activist group for fat lesbians and our lesbian supporters of all sizes. For more info. and/or membership, contact Karen Aden at: or [address] Seattle, WA 98109. 

The Network for Battered Lesbians and Bisexual Women has a free bilingual (Spanish/English) newsletter (the most recent issue of which included an article on why s/m is not battering), a bilingual (Spanish/English) TTY accessible hotline, refer­ral info to other groups around the country and a support group. Support group is only for folks in the Boston area, but everything else can go anywhere. The Network can be reached at: P.O. Box 6011, Boston, MA 02114; Office phone (v/tty/fax): 617-424-8611; Hotline (v/tty, English/Spanish): 617-236-SAFE. Voice answering machines.


The Fatdykes email discussion list is a place for fat lesbians and our allies to discuss topics related to our lives as fat les­bians, from a pro-fat, pro-les­bian perspective. We welcome discussion and debate, but not flaming. We ask list members to treat each other with respect. We also consider our pro-fat, anti-diet position to be the foundation of this list, so this is not a place for debating the validity of our perspective. We’re here to share ideas and information, to vent, to give support, to chat, to make friends or get dates, to do net­working and activism for fat liberation. This list is for women only and is open to fat­positive, pro-lesbian women of any size, orientation, or birth gender. For info on how to subscribe, email majordo­ with the body of the message: info fat­dykes. 

FaT GiRL has a site on the World Wide Web where we list resources that exist only on the Internet. Check it out: 


Call for submissions: 

We’re putting together a big, fat, eclectic book about Dykes and our spirituality-our con­nection to The Source, the sacred, the realm of spirit, the depths, our essential selves, & all the other ways of describing IT. DYKES! Send us writing or art about what inspires you, particularly: Profound mystical experiences, Connection to The Source, Transcendence, Spiritual journeys, Deep strug­gles on the path, The connec­tion between being a dyke and your spiritual expression, Is there something inherently “spiritual” about being a dyke?, The connection between sex and spirit, The connection between spirit and politics, Your role as a spiritual dyke among dykes, Your role as a dyke in your particular spiritual practice or tradition, How do you connect to the Source? Prayer? Art? Ritual? Magic? Sex? Meditation? Music? Dreams? Trance? Dance? Mind-altering substances? And what exactly *is* the Source, anyway?, Do you practice within a traditionally anti-gay religion? How do you deal with being a dyke there? Are you in the closet? Have you changed the tradition to fit your needs? Do you practice alone or with others? Why? We want to hear from dykes of all spiritual backgrounds and practices, in old traditions and new traditions, or who don’t call what they do a “tradition” at all. We want to include ritu­als, poems, stories, interviews, art, recipes, and resource information for dykes who are exploring the deep realms of spirit, whatever they may be. Send what you’ve got to: Max Airborne & Elena Escalera, [address] San Francisco, CA 94114, or email Submission deadline: October 1st, 1997. 

Last Call for Stories: 

If you have experienced fat­phobia or fat discrimination in a legal, educational, institu­tional, parental, employment, or medical co text, contact Sondra and tell her your story. She is currently interviewing people for a book about fat oppression, civil rights, and justice. In less than an hour, you could share your story with the world. Send a brief summary with your contact information to: Sondra Solovay [address] Berkeley, CA 94705 or email