Title (as given to the record by the creator): This is What Fifty Looks Like
Date(s) of creation: June, 2005
Creator / author / publisher: Laurie Avocado, Daisy Chen, Size Queen
Physical description: one page with 2 black and white photographs and red text
Reference #: SizeQueen-12-Fifty
Links: [ PDF ]
This is What Fifty Looks Like
Photos: Daisy Chen
Model: Laurie Avocado
[image description: Two black and white photographs of a fat, white woman naked on a bed. She wears glasses with plastic frames and her straight hair is pulled back. The photos overlap slightly and are whimsically askew. In the first photo, she is laying on her side, propped up on her elbow. She is looking down at the small birthday cake on the bed in front of her, blowing at the lit “50” candles on the cake. In the second photo, she is sitting up, holding the cake between her large breasts, which she is also holding up with her forearms . The candles are gone and there is frosting on her face, upper chest and breasts. She looks at the camera with a big, toothy grin.]
Size Queen Pages
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- This is What Fifty Looks Like
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- Size Queen Collector Cards