Barbarism in the Cemetery

Title (as given to the record by the creator):  Barbarism in the Cemetery
Date(s) of creation:  Issue 4: October 1995
Creator / author / publisher: Barbarism, Laura Johnston, FaT GiRL
Physical description:
Four pages of black and white photos. Some have been redacted with black. The font of the headings looks like insect legs, and there are a few drawings of insects between the photos.
Reference #: FG4-052-055-Barbarism
Links:  [ PDF ]

[The title in a font that looks like insect legs: “B is for Barbarism in the Cemetery,” next to a small drawing of a moth.]
[A photo of a fat, white femme with dark curly hair, standing in a white nightgown and bloomers in front of a crypt in a cemetery at night. The crypt has a tile base with 4 stairs up to an ornate door.  The femme stands at the bottom of the stairs, barefoot, lifting one corner of her nightgown up to her face, revealing a breast. The bloomers gather in a ruffle just below her knees, and have an opening – a visible slit from the waistband down the belly to the crotch.]
[A photo of a naked, fat, white femme with dark curly hair, at night in a cemetery, standing on tiptoes facing a statue of an angel. She’s holding the angel’s wrists as she reaches her face up to the angel’s face, her tongue reaching for the angel’s mouth.]

[In a font that looks like insect legs: “Photos by Laura Johnston”]

[A closeup photo of a naked, fat, white femme with dark curly hair, at night in a cemetery, visible from the belly up, facing a statue of an angel who is slightly taller. She’s holding the angel’s wrists as she reaches her face up to the angel’s face, her tongue reaching for the angel’s mouth.]
[In a font that looks like insect legs: “Where creatures go bump in the night.”]

[A photo of a fat, white femme with dark curly hair, at night in a cemetery, standing on the steps of a crypt. She’s wearing white, knee-length bloomers with a crotch slit that’s fully open from front to back, her stance is wide, and she’s bending all the way over, her head and naked breasts visible between her thighs, her ass crack and partial cheeks exposed by the slit in the bloomers.]
[A small drawing of a beetle.]

[A photo of a naked, fat, white femme with dark curly hair, at night in a cemetery. She’s crawling on hands and knees up the stone steps of a crypt with big columns, her fat ass in the air, her breasts sweeping the steps. In one hand is an apple she’s taking a bite of. Her head and eyes are turned back to look at the camera.]