Poetry: I am the Kind of Lover

Title (as given to the record by the creator): I am the kind of lover
Date(s) of creation:  August, 1996
Creator / author / publisher: Margo Mercedes Rivera, FaT GiRL
Physical description:
One zine page with just text
Reference #: FG6-037
Links: [ PDF ]

I am the kind of lover 

who will destroy the beauty of roses 
to make you a hot fragrant bath 
floating with petals of maroon, crimson, and lemondrop. 

who will kneel down 
rub almond oil into the cracks in your work-hard feet
drum my fingers into the soles 
make them hungry for adventure. 

who will coax the venom out from 
between your plump toes 
strum my adoration 
around the swell of your ankles 
stir the desire lurking in your arches 
grasp one queen-size foot by 
the delicate chord of Achilles tendon 
as I gnaw and suck 
the throbbing ache in your feet 
into hunger 

By Margo