The Kitchen Slut Presents: Breakfast in Bed

Title (as given to the record by the creator):  The Kitchen Slut Presents: Breakfast in Bed
Creator / author / publisher: Bertha, Fat Girl
Physical description:
text is bolded and cursive at the top and bottom. Recipes are in their own columns. There is a photo of black heels on a stove pan in a circle in the right corner.
Reference #: FG3-051-KitchenSlut
Links:  [ PDF ]

The Kitchen Slut Presents: 

Breakfast In Bed 

A photo of black heels in a pan on a white gas stove, outlined in a circle. Below in cursive font, “The Kitchen Slut.”

Because life is difficult (sigh!), work is difficult, emotions are difficult…my column this issue is dedicated to luxury and relaxation. Take some time this weekend and serve or be served breakfast in bed. Either way it’s a break, a change of pace. And just imagine the possibilities… 

As you are cooking my delicious recipes, the enticing smells wander into the bedroom while your lover waits patiently, mouth watering, senses tingling, waiting to be fed. Or she can feed you, your head resting on the pillow, eyes closed, savoring every bite, or smearing the food all over her body…an enticing platter. And when you’re done, well, you are already in bed! 

My recipes are very rich, intended to keep all the luscious curves on your bodacious bod. Treat yourselves to only the best ingredients and Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy! 


Butter or olive oil 
1/2 onion, diced 
1 cup cut spinach 
1 cup sliced mushrooms
4-6 eggs, beaten 
2 tbs. Milk
½ cup pesto (or more to taste) ** 
1 cup shredded provolone
Dash of parmesan 
Salt & pepper

In a large skillet, sauté onions first, add mushrooms and cook 2-3 minutes. Add spinach & cover. 

Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk eggs with milk, pesto, salt and pepper. Add some butter to the pan if necessary, then pour in the egg mixture and scramble. When eggs are almost done, top with cheese cover turning heat off. Serve almost immediately with:


2 bunches basil 
1/2 cup olive oil 
pine nuts 
1 cup parmesan cheese grated 

Put all ingredients in a food processor and in a minute or two … Pesto! 


olive oil
4-6 red potatoes diced medium (Yellow Finn potatoes are also great, just change the name of the recipe) 
1/2 onion, diced fine 
finely diced garlic (optional) 
kernels cut from 1-2 ears of corn (white corn is my preference…so sweet) 
1 cup grated cheddar 

Boil potatoes for one minute and drain. Transfer potatoes to an oiled cast iron pan, add onions, garlic and corn. Cover cook on medium heat turning frequently until potatoes are nicely almost burned.

Melt cheese on top 

Serve with dill rolls, challah or onion bialys, kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, apricots and sweetened cream. 

So, write to me. Let me know if my recipes are  encouraging sluttiness in your life, or send in some of your sexy delicious recipes or slutty kitchen tips. And if you are too lazy to cook, brunch at Red Dora’s is great on the weekends. Till next time! 

love, Bertha 

The Kitchen Slut